Did you know.... that students at Ashley circulate over 4,000 books each month?! That's right - students check out over 4,000 print and audiobooks every month! They are AMAZING!
Research tells us that reading is the number one way to improve your mind (and your grades, test scores, etc.). Children who spend time reading for fun score higher on standardized tests than peers who do not. In fact, children who talked about books and reading with their families on a weekly basis had higher average scores than peers who talked about reading only on a monthly basis. How often do you talk with your children about reading?
Here are some great ways to start a reading conversation in your home!
- Read a book (or chapter of a book) with your child before bed
- Ask some great questions -
- If you could be friends with any character in your book, which would you choose? Why?
- How is this book like one you have read in the past?
- What surprised you most in the story? Why?
- If you could re-write the ending, what would you write?
- Make literacy an activity!
- Go to libraries, bookstores, or bookmobiles!
- Be a reader yourself!
- Let your children see that reading is important in your family and does not just happen at school
- Share what you are reading and how your reading has affected you
How do you share reading with your family?? Comment below!