Ever get that feeling that you just can't have enough books in your life?? **Nod yes** What a coincidence - I feel that way all the time!
The library has a check out limit (who created that, right?) and apparently you aren't allowed to spend all your money at Barnes and Noble (as per my Husband's recommendation - he is a financial analyst). So what is an average, ordinary, everyday, awesome-sauce reader like you and me supposed to do??
Go to OverDrive, of course!
"What's OverDrive?" you ask. Well, OverDrive has thousands of free eBooks and eAudiobooks that you can check out at the touch of a button!
OverDrive is
The library has a check out limit (who created that, right?) and apparently you aren't allowed to spend all your money at Barnes and Noble (as per my Husband's recommendation - he is a financial analyst). So what is an average, ordinary, everyday, awesome-sauce reader like you and me supposed to do??
Go to OverDrive, of course!
"What's OverDrive?" you ask. Well, OverDrive has thousands of free eBooks and eAudiobooks that you can check out at the touch of a button!
OverDrive is
- Free
- Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (yep, check out books on Sunday in your PJ's)
- Easy (Books return themselves AUTOMATICALLY after 2 weeks)
"So how do I get OverDrive?" you ask next. Great question! Get OverDrive on your device by -
So download OverDrive now and get MORE books! Yay!! Talk to your super cool librarian (hey, that's me!) if you have any questions or problems!
Joke of the day - What is a Pirate's favorite letter? Not RRRRRR! It's EEEEE for Ebook!! Go Overboard with OverDrive!
- Download the App (OverDrive Media Console)
- Sign up for an account
- Add a library (search for Frisco ISD and select)
- Input your library number (The 6-digit number you use to check out books)
So download OverDrive now and get MORE books! Yay!! Talk to your super cool librarian (hey, that's me!) if you have any questions or problems!
Joke of the day - What is a Pirate's favorite letter? Not RRRRRR! It's EEEEE for Ebook!! Go Overboard with OverDrive!